How to Easily Find a School Nurse Job on Long Island

find school nurse job on long islandAre you a school nurse or Registered Nurse with at least 2 years experience and NYS licensed? If you are, then you can easily find a school nurse job on Long Island. Now for the nurses just getting out of school, that’s a whole other story. It can be very difficult for new grad nurses to find a job right out of school. Most hospitals and school districts require at least a couple years experience. The most common question asked is “How am I suppose to get experience, if nobody will hire me?” This is a tough question to answer. My answer would be to volunteer at a hospital or take a lower than normal paying nurse job to get your foot in the door somewhere. The nurses that show they are willing to do whatever it takes to get a job, are the ones that usually get that job.

School nurse jobs on Long Island are posted almost everywhere you can think of. Horizon Healthcare Staffing, in particular, is all over the map. We do print advertising, online advertising, email marketing, and even direct mailers. Our recruiters are constantly searching for qualified school nurses to work in various school districts throughout Long Island. Long Island school districts are located in Nassau County and Suffolk County, as well as parts of Queens.

Here are a few places to find our job openings:

#1 Our Website

We have a “Hot Jobs” section of our website for jobs that are currently available. If you are looking for school nurse RN jobs throughout New York, you should visit our dedicated school nursing jobs page. We have openings in NYC school districts and Long Island school districts. There are always openings, and we put on the website the locations that we normally recruit for. We also have a Registered Nurse jobs in New York page dedicated to various other nursing positions that we are always recruiting for. Our nurse specialties range from Quality Reviewer to School Nurse. If you don’t see an opening that you like on our website, send in your resume anyway. We will skill market you to our clients, finding you the best possible job. If you type into Google: RN jobs in New York, we hopefully show up in the search results on either page one or page two.

#2 Facebook

We don’t just use Facebook to post funny pics, informative articles, or industry specific resources. We also use it as a recruitment tool. We have a tab at the top of our page with our current job openings, and we also post status updates with certain positions. If you see a position you might like, apply for it. If you think one of your friends or co workers would be perfect for one of the opportunities listed, share it with them. Facebook makes it very easy to share.

#3 Job Boards

Yes, we also use various job boards to post our school nursing positions throughout Long Island. We use major ones as well as niche healthcare job boards. Do a quick search of these sites, we will be there.

#4 Print

We advertise our job openings in the ADVANCE for Nursing magazine and Nursing Spectrum. These are free magazines for registered nurses, so browse through them and see if any of our school nurse job openings strike a cord with you.

#5 Call us

Our nurse recruiters are the best in the business. If you want to talk to one of our recruiters about obtaining a position, don’t hesitate to call. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, and we would also be more than happy to find you a position. We are friendly and easy to talk to. Our number is 516-326-2020

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