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Home Rehabilitation Therapy Services in New York

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In home rehabilitation therapy can provide a patient with the needed coverage that makes the difference in a full or partial recovery. In home rehabilitation therapy maybe necessary if the patient’s injury or illness prevents them from easily attending rehabilitation in a facility outside their home. Homecare Therapies has rehabilitation therapy professionals on its staff that can handle a variety of situations. Our home care rehabilitation therapy professionals are trained on the latest techniques and use the latest equipment to achieve the best results possible for the patient.


  • Physical Therapy – Physical therapy is for patients who may have had an injury or surgery and need to recover the physical skills and confidence to regain their independence. Our goal with physical rehabilitation therapy is to improve the patient’s strength, flexibility, coordination, balance and ambulation. Our rehabilitation therapy professionals are trained on all of the latest techniques and devices and will come to your home to help you get back on your feet again. Every rehabilitation therapy treatment plan provides for a customized approach with the patient to achieve the maximum results.
  • Occupational Therapy – Occupational therapy is for patients who have had their physical and/or cognitive skills impacted to the point where they need assistance with everyday activities. Our Occupational Therapist can come to your home and help you regain the ability to do things independently again. Our rehabilitation therapy professionals will also customize the program for the individual and recommend strategies and equipment that can assist the patient with completing these daily activities. Our goal is to assist the patient in attaining their goals and live independently.
  • Speech Language Therapy – Speech therapy is provided to patients who have difficulty with communication or control with swallowing and other issues with the head, neck and face muscles. Our rehabilitation therapy professionals will develop a program to help the patient communicate including alternate strategies to speech if speech is currently too difficult. This rehabilitation therapy also covers other related issues and our goal is to help the patient regain confidence with their ability to communicate and swallow.

Homecare Therapies believes that rehabilitation therapy is an essential component to patient care. In home rehabilitation therapies may be the solution for you.

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