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Career Advancement Tips From a Seasoned Recruiter

career advancement tipsUnemployment rates are at an all time high. Colleges, Universities and Technical Schools are also graduating a high level of students.  Unfortunately, there are way more graduates than there are jobs available.  Getting any job just to put money in one’s pocket is not the easiest thing to do right now, so finding one’s dream job can seem almost impossible. As someone who works in staffing and has a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management, here are some personal tips for career advancement:

All About the Experience

Many of the positions my clients ask me to fill are based on experience level. Luckily, I do have some clients who offer training for entry-level positions. Unfortunately, these positions do not pay a million dollars so candidates do decline them. The best advice is to take any position you are offered in the career field you plan going into. It is better to work then sit around doing nothing.  Don’t wait get hired for a position that you may not be qualified for. For example, if you went to school to be a Nursing Assistant but cannot find a job, try taking a position as a Hospital Companion. You never know who you will meet or who will notice you while you are working that role. No one lands their dream job overnight.  It will take patience by building up experience and performing hard work. This is how people go from entry level positions to then being promoted internally or qualifying for other level openings elsewhere.

The Importance of a Temporary Position

Even if a position is labeled “temporary” a candidate should still take an interest in the role.  Job security is a very important factor for many, but you never know what can become of something unless you try it. Many employers now offer “temp-to-perm” opportunities meaning they will try a person out first and see how they work before committing to actually hiring them. The reason for this is because certain candidates may not be the best fit for the specific position. Employers like to see how candidates can perform, if they are reliable and if they can fit into the company’s culture. This means candidates who take “temporary assignments” should work their hardest in these positions because you never know what opportunity may open up. Taking a temporary position is like interviewing everyday until that moment you are extended an offer for that position! In most cases, salary increases, and benefits are offered once a candidate transitions to permanent from temporary.

Good Luck with your search!

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