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7 Ways to Build a Better Relationship with your Healthcare Recruiter

7 ways to build a better relationship with your healthcare recruiter

Written by Nancy Goldstein and Kerry McNeill

As recruiters, we love assisting people in finding the right job. Our job is tough. We have the responsibility of matching the perfect candidate to the perfect company.

Here are 7 ways to build a better relationship with your healthcare recruiter:

Be Prepared

Initially, always be prepared for gathering information when you call. For example, when YOU call us to book an appointment, we will ask for you to send a resume. That is NOT the time to look for a pen and paper. Please make sure the pen has ink and can write.  This way we do not have to have a conversation about your pen.

Format Your Resume Properly

Please remember that we will request an emailed copy of your resume as we will assist you in appropriately formatting your resume to present you professionally.  Once we request this, please do not ask for our fax number. We cannot always type your resume for you.  Please include all of your education, work experience and any licenses that you may have achieved.

Make Sure You Have a Good Phone Connection

Please do not call us from your cell phone if there is poor reception.  We cannot tell you how many times a candidate calls and we are unable to hear them. This is a waste of time. So, please wait until you are calling from either a land line or confirm that we have a good connection and can be heard.

Don’t Harass Your Recruiter

While it’s important to follow up with recruiters, recruiters are extremely busy, and candidates who call multiple times in one day may be pushed to the side because they are too intense and sometimes disrespectful. We understand you are anxious to find out how your interview went, or if you got the job. WE promise that we WILL call you. WE want you to get the job as much as you do. We recommend that if you do not hear back from a recruiter at all, you can call and/or email emphasizing how interested you are in the position.  Sometimes it DOES take some time for the clients to respond.  WE will not forget you.

Stay Professional

Treat your conversations with recruiters like you were on an interview. Too many people take their conversations with recruiters too casually.  You should communicate with a recruiter as you would any hiring manager  After all, the recruiter is the gatekeeper for finding you the best position for you.

Show Up To Your Interview On Time

Showing up for your interview. As previously stated, recruiters are extremely busy. It is important for you to show up on your interview and be on time.  Never be a NO SHOW! Just because we are a Staffing firm, does not mean what you do will not follow you. Do not burn your bridge so early on in a relationship. We have a lot of contacts and at some point you may need us to get you the perfect job

DON’T Contact the Employer Directly

Trying to access a client that we have a strong relationship is not acceptable.  Do not call the client direct for feedback on your interview.  We will act as your agent and gain the information for you. Please note that your recruiter also wants the best opportunity for you.  This is a true reflection of our ability to identify the correct person to fit  their vacancies and in turn knowing the best person to fill those positions. We hope this will be YOU!

To Summarize, as a candidate seeking employment, it is important for you to stand out to recruiters by always being polite, professional, and easy to work with.  This will go a very long way in building a good relationship with your recruiter.

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