Top Graduate Nursing Schools 2016

top graduate nursing schools 2016Attending the best graduate nursing school doesn’t always correlate into the best jobs, but it sure does help. The standard used to be that nurses could just go to a 2 year nursing school and achieve their associate’s degree in nursing. Today, most employers are looking for nurses to at least have their BSN, or Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing and their MSN, or Master’s of Science in Nursing. Achieving a graduate degree in nursing will enhance the nurse’s knowledge of patient care and advance them in an ever changing and evolving industry. The US News recently ranked the top graduate nursing school of 2016. They factored in the school’s reputation, faculty resources, as well as others. US News decided to rank master’s programs because they account for the largest graduate enrollment in nursing.

For the purpose of this survey, 503 nursing schools with master’s or doctoral programs accredited by either the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education or the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. 273 of the 503 responded to the survey, which only 246 were eligible to be included in the report. The US News used 13 indicators when they factored in the rankings. The main indicators were; quality assessment, student selectivity and achievement, faculty resources, and research activity. They had subcategories when it came to each indicator. We want to congratulate the top graduate nursing schools 2016 for making the list. We will only list the top 10 graduate nursing schools. You can see the full list here.


#1 University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, PA

#2 Johns Hopkins University – Baltimore, MD

#3 University of California – San Francisco – San Francisco, CA

#4 University of Washington – Seattle, WA

#5 University of Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh, PA

#6 Duke University – Durham, NC

#7 New York University – New York, NY

#8 University of Maryland – Baltimore – Baltimore, MD

#9 University of Michigan – Ann Arbor – Ann Arbor, MI

#10 Emory University – Atlanta, GA